The Right Place at the Wrong Time

Timing. Timing is everything, has been everything, and always will be everything. And in the case of Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge, the timing was too good.

Cambodia was chaotic. The Cambodian government had driven the Communists of Cambodia underground. The leader of the Communists in Cambodia was killed, which drove the Communists over the edge. At this angry, confused time, Khmer Rouge decided to make their move. They brought anger of the people to the surface. This smart move by the Khmer Rouge gave them an easy opening to take control of Cambodia.  

Once in control, the Khmer Rouge inforced their communist rule with an iron fist. About anyone that didn't agree with them were killed. Newborn children were ripped away from their parents by Khmer Rouge and were taught their ways. The adults that lived during the former government of Cambodia's time were thought to be tainted with capitalist ideas.

And the worst kind of torture... the Killing fields! (To be continued in "The Killing Fields" section.)